
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Home Decor Accent

I just found a great idea for simple, but impressive home décor! I love decorating in Victorian style and I have two beautiful pictures that I framed myself when I worked for a custom framing shop. I invested UV glass to protect the cheap little pictures since I knew I could never tire of the charming pieces and I bought elaborately ornamental frames. But I wanted to update the look just a bit and I found a darling solution—vinyl wall decals. I bought these little metallic gold stickers from a local sign shop that adhere to the wall in place of a stencil. I love the addition! What do you think? 

The vinyl is sandwiched between the release paper and a medium tack pre-masking film. I wiped the wall down with a damp rag and let the surface dry completely. Then I made a small mark on the release paper and the wall with a pencil to make sure that I positioned the graphic neatly centered above the frame. Since the designs are sold in a sheet, I used scissors to cut apart the piece I wanted to use. I peeled back the release paper and applied the vinyl and premask to the wall surface. Then I rubbed over the design firmly and gently peeled back the premasking film. I used my thumb to push down any edges of vinyl that had pulled up or hadn’t adhered tightly. It appears to be painted on, but was much easier than painting, with less mess.

I applied some decals to another picture on a bumpier textured wall. It was slightly more challenging than the smooth wall, but the affect is just as beautiful.

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