Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tip: Re-use Gift Wrap

I can't take credit for this tip, because I didn't invent it.  But I don't quite remember where I learned it either. 

Anyway, there is finally a use for all of that used gift wrapping paper that you saved from your wedding shower or graduation party.  Using a very cheap paper shredder (the cheaper models make the corsest strips), shred all of your lovely, creased, torn, mutilated paper.  Then use the pretty shreds as the stuffing for gift baskets, gift bags, or even as packing material when shipping packages.  Etsy customers love receiving their purchased goods in a nest of pretty packaging!


tweal said...

That's a good idea, and who doesn't love using the paper shredder? It's so satisfying!

Kim Cavender said...

great idea!